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Market Surveys

3 June 2016 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Bondholders' portfolios change

After the MoF sold UAH1.4bn of new bonds and repaid UAH2.0bn in local currency bonds, bondholders’ portfolios changed slightly. The NBU appears to have received all of the funds from the debt redempti ...

ICUDailyInsight-20160603.pdf  (605.6kb)

2 June 2016 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Liquidity declines

Yesterday, banking sector liquidity fell UAH3.85bn to UAH94.15bn, similar to the beginning of last month when liquidity fell UAH3.90bn to UAH97.59bn. With a UAH0.50bn loan repayment by Oschadbank, and ...

ICUDailyInsight-20160602.pdf  (646.6kb)

1 June 2016 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Liquidity hits UAH98bn

Banking sector liquidity continued its recovery yesterday, up UAH1.76bn to UAH98.00bn. Total CDs outstanding rose UAH2.24bn to UAH56.16bn while banks’ correspondent accounts with the NBU slid UAH0.48b ...

ICUDailyInsight-20160601.pdf  (717.7kb)

1 June 2016 Market Reviews

Bond Market Insight

Yield curve flattens further

The 1pp key interest rate cut to 18% caused the primary bond market yeild to decline further. At yesterday's auction, the yield curve flattened to 16.25%-17.37% for 6-month to 3-year maturities. The ...

ICUDebtInsight-20160601.pdf  (296.4kb)

31 May 2016 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Liquidity recovers slightly

Banking sector liquidity recovered UAH1.21bn to UAH96.24bn as the week began, with banks’ correspondent accounts with the NBU increased UAH0.94bn to UAH42.32bn and total CDs outstanding was up UAH0.27 ...

ICUDailyInsight-20160531.pdf  (696.7kb)

31 May 2016 Market Reviews

Bond Market Insight

Доходности сближаются

Снижение Национальным банком на прошлой неделе учётной ставки до 18% подтолкнуло первичный рынок ОВГЗ к дальнейшему снижению ставок на первичном рынке. На сегодняшнем размещении кривая доходности прио ...

ICUDebtInsight-20160531-Rus.pdf  (465.1kb)

30 May 2016 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Primary auction announcement

Following the normal schedule of bond offerings, the MoF will offer the routine maturities from 3-month to 12 months and the 3-year bond. Due to the NBU’s key rate cut, the 3-year rare could decline t ...

ICUDailyInsight-20160530.pdf  (719.8kb)

27 May 2016 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Outflows to budget cause liquidity to decline

Interest payments on local currency bonds, while on the other hand, month-end tax payments and new government bond sales settlements caused liquidity to decline. In addition, the NBU provided to two b ...

ICUDailyInsight-20160527.pdf  (679.9kb)