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Market Surveys

10 January 2014 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Liquidity high, rates low; Sovereign bonds down on US jobs report; UAH falls, TWI up/down

Total commercial banks' correspondent accounts with NBU declined to UAH30.8bn as of yesterday from UAH33.0bn seen at the very start of the year, as a result of banks transferring funds to NBU overnigh...

ICUDailyInsight-20140110.pdf  (755.7kb)

9 January 2014 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

High liquidity push O/N rates down; Sovereign YTMs and UAH's real rate up on sentiment

Money market conditions were further eased as the NBU begins 2014 with high liquidity, albeit concentrated in a few banks that either are state-run or controlled by people close to the presidential ad...

ICUDailyInsight-20140109.pdf  (730.6kb)