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14 січня 2014 Market Reviews
Daily Insight
Liquidity up; Yields up on higher risks; UAH tests 8.30/USD
Banks’ correspondent accounts with the NBU rose UAH1.22bn to UAH31.08bn yesterday while total CDs outstanding rose UAH1.19bn to UAH7.20bn and total local currency debt repayments scheduled for the nex...
ICUDailyInsight-20140114.pdf (793.8kb)
13 січня 2014 Market Reviews
Daily Insight
Liquidity down; January primary auction debut; UAH down on weak US jobs report
Banks’ correspondent accounts with the NBU continued to decline UAH0.11bn to UAH29.86bn on the fourth consecutive day last Saturday, a business day in Ukraine....
ICUDailyInsight-20140113.pdf (748.9kb)
10 січня 2014 Market Reviews
Daily Insight
Liquidity high, rates low; Sovereign bonds down on US jobs report; UAH falls, TWI up/down
Total commercial banks' correspondent accounts with NBU declined to UAH30.8bn as of yesterday from UAH33.0bn seen at the very start of the year, as a result of banks transferring funds to NBU overnigh...
ICUDailyInsight-20140110.pdf (755.7kb)
9 січня 2014 Market Reviews
Daily Insight
High liquidity push O/N rates down; Sovereign YTMs and UAH's real rate up on sentiment
Money market conditions were further eased as the NBU begins 2014 with high liquidity, albeit concentrated in a few banks that either are state-run or controlled by people close to the presidential ad...
ICUDailyInsight-20140109.pdf (730.6kb)