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Огляди ринків

6 листопада 2014 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

NBU begins depegging regime

The NBU began its transition by auctioned a small volume of FX in its new policy of transitioning from a controlled currency peg to a kind of managed float regime. In its first day, the FX rate droppe ...

ICUDailyInsight-20141106.pdf  (770.4kb)

6 листопада 2014 Market Reviews

Bond Market Insight

Размещены 2-летние ОВГЗ

После безуспешной попытки Минфина разместить ОВГЗ во вторник, которое не получило ни одной заявки, сегодня Минфин провёл ранее не запланированное размещение 2-летних облигаций, что было вполне ожидаем ...

ICUDebtInsight-20141106-Rus.pdf  (426.4kb)

5 листопада 2014 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Security Council wants special status revoked

After President Poroshenko convened with the National Security Council for several hours to discuss the elections in Donetsk and Lugansk and the gross violation of Minsk ceasefire agreement, the Counc ...

ICUDailyInsight-20141105.pdf  (696.6kb)

4 листопада 2014 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Metinvest’s 3Q14 production report

In its 3Q14 production results released last Thursday, Metinvest reported unilateral production declines: crude steel dropped 42% QoQ to 1.7mt, iron ore concentrate declined 8% QoQ to 8.4mt, and coal ...

ICUDailyInsight-20141104.pdf  (779.8kb)

3 листопада 2014 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Minsk ceasefire agreement in tatters

On Sunday, pro-Kremlin militants carried out elections in the parts of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts under their control. While Kiev officially views the elections there as a farce and the EU and th ...

ICUDailyInsight-20141103.pdf  (691.2kb)

31 жовтня 2014 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

3Q real GDP ahead of expectations

As the war ravaged events escalated in July-August and subsided subsided on a tenuous ceasefire, expectations leaned toward a significant contraction in 2H. Following a nearly 3% decline in 1H, author ...

ICUDailyInsight-20141031.pdf  (680.8kb)

30 жовтня 2014 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

NBU continues to increase CDs outstanding

Broader banking sector liquidity continued to increase yesterday, up UAH1.30bn to UAH48.73bn, while banks' correspondent accounts with the NBU declined UAH0.99bn to UAH25.97bn and total local currency ...

ICUDailyInsight-20141030.pdf  (720.3kb)

30 жовтня 2014 Market Reviews

Bond Market Insight

Размещены ОВГЗ в евро

На вчерашнем аукционе Минфин предлагал две облигации, одна из которых была номинирована в евро, которые не размещались более года. В прошлом году Минфин размещал ОВГЗ, номинированные в евро дважды, в ...

ICUDebtInsight-20141030-Rus.pdf  (450.4kb)