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8 грудня 2014 Market Reviews

Bond Market Insight

Additional auction

The MoF announced an additional auction on Friday, offering only the 2-year local currency bond that was sold several times last month and scheduled over the following three weeks. The auctio ...

ICUDebtInsight-20141208.pdf  (291.2kb)

5 грудня 2014 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Hryvnia down in nominal and TWI terms

the FX auction held by NBU, the rate was determined at 15.2951/USD, 0.72% lower than the rate at the auction held a day earlier. Yesterday, in his annual address to lawmakers, the Russian president p ...

ICUDailyInsight-20141205.pdf  (762kb)

5 грудня 2014 Market Reviews

Bond Market Insight

Дополнительное размещение

Первую неделю декабря Минфин внезапно решил завершить размещением, которое не предусматривался изначально графиком аукционов, а было объявлено сегодня днём. Рынку предлагалась обычная 2-летняя гривнев ...

ICUDebtInsight-20141205-Rus.pdf  (425.2kb)

4 грудня 2014 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Dollar strength matters

The hryvnia has continued to decline gradually versus the US dollar over the past several days ...

ICUDailyInsight-20141204.pdf  (766kb)

3 грудня 2014 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

New Cabinet of Ministers approved

A total of 288 MPs supported the new government appointments headed by PM Arseniy Yatsenyuk. The ruling coalition totally reshuffled the government while Yatsenyuk held his post as prime minister. Alt ...

ICUDailyInsight-20141203.pdf  (694.4kb)

2 грудня 2014 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Ruble drags down neighboring currencies

The Russian ruble's dramatic and rapid devaluation over the past six months has put downward pressure on currencies of countries, namely Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and other smaller CIS nations, th ...

ICUDailyInsight-20141202.pdf  (797.1kb)

1 грудня 2014 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

External markets spell more pressure on the hryvnia

Last Friday, the domestic FX market remained tightly managed by authorities as Bloomberg reported the rate ...

ICUDailyInsight-20141201.pdf  (717.2kb)

28 листопада 2014 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

New majority in parliament, Yatsenyuk confirmed as PM

The newly elected parliament convened for the first time since the election date: it formed constitutional majority of EU-minded MPs and Arseniy Yatsenyuk was confirmed as the head of the Cabinet of M ...

ICUDailyInsight-20141128.pdf  (675.5kb)