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23 квітня 2015 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

NBU purchases new bonds from Naftogaz

According to NBU data on bondholders’ portfolios, its portfolio rose UAH2.23bn to UAH342.76bn and the other residents’ portfolio declined by a similar volume. The remaining other groups’ portfolios ch ...

ICUDailyInsight-20150423.pdf  (742kb)

22 квітня 2015 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Liquidity rises above UAH60.0bn

Broader banking sector liquidity rose UAH2.34bn to UAH61.65bn yesterday, setting this month’s record high. The NBU continued to absorb extra liquidity as it increased total CDs outstanding by UAH1.27b ...

ICUDailyInsight-20150422.pdf  (775.5kb)

21 квітня 2015 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Industrial production in March

The industrial production index rebounded by nearly 10% in March from February while in year-on-year terms the decline was still a sizable 21.1%, according to the State Statistics Office. ...

ICUDailyInsight-20150421.pdf  (760.6kb)

20 квітня 2015 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

MoF updates status of debt restructuring

In a presentation of the MoF’s update of the current situation of the debt deal to investors and financial analysts in Washington, DC, as required by the EFF program, Ukraine Finance Minister Natalie ...

ICUDailyInsight-20150420.pdf  (739.4kb)

17 квітня 2015 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Hryvnia inches up

Yesterday's FX market trading was less one-way than a day before -- in a sense that previous day's prevailing FX supply over demand was not so obvious as during yesterday allowing the central bank to ...

ICUDailyInsight-20150417.pdf  (774.3kb)

16 квітня 2015 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Ukrainian banks slowly replenish their capital

In its published statistics on banking sector average ratios as of March 31, 2015, the NBU reported that the regulatory capital adequacy ratio (RCAR) improved from 7.37% to 8.35%. Although higher, thi ...

ICUDailyInsight-20150416.pdf  (765.4kb)

15 квітня 2015 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Liquidity continues to recover

Broader banking sector liquidity continued to recover yesterday, up UAH2.37bn to UAH55.06bn, due to the UAH1.66bn increase in total local currency debt repayments scheduled for the next 30 days to UAH ...

ICUDailyInsight-20150415.pdf  (769.6kb)

14 квітня 2015 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

FX rate likely becoming secondary

For the second consecutive year, the run-up to the upcoming period of two national holidays - Labor Day on May 1 and Victory Day on May 9 - is characterized by market uncertainty. Last year, Russian m ...

ICUDailyInsight-20150414.pdf  (580.9kb)