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25 грудня 2015 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Liquidity concentrates on CDs

Total CDs outstanding rose UAH1.68bn to UAH73.18bn yesterday after the NBU sold UAH16.84bn of CDs on Wednesday. At the same time, banks' correspondent accounts with the NBU declined UAH1.13bn to UAH29 ...

ICUDailyInsight-20151225.pdf  (625.8kb)

24 грудня 2015 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

NBU sells new portion of VAT bonds

The NBU sold UAH39.52m of VAT bonds from its portfolio at yesterday's auction at the Perspectiva stock exchange, slightly lower than the amount sold at the previous auction at all stock exchanges. Alt ...

ICUDailyInsight-20151224.pdf  (678.7kb)

23 грудня 2015 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Regular NBU auctions

The NBU announced for today an auction of the same VAT-bonds that were offered at the debut auction two weeks ago. This auction should collect large demand, possibly exceeding that at the debut auctio ...

ICUDailyInsight-20151223.pdf  (676.4kb)

22 грудня 2015 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Industrial production index in November

Initial reports indicate that the industrial production index in November declined from the previous month by ...

ICUDailyInsight-20151222.pdf  (690kb)

21 грудня 2015 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Ukraine implements debt moratorium

Last Friday, Ukraine's prime minister announced that the government suspended US$3.58bn in debt payments, specifically on the Russian Eurobond scheduled for repayment this month. In addition to the US ...

ICUDailyInsight-20151221.pdf  (673.6kb)

18 грудня 2015 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Liquidity approaches UAH100bn

Yesterday's UAH3.67bn increase to UAH99.89bn in liquidity most likely was supported by the NBU (see comment below). Banks' correspondent accounts with the NBU rose UAH1.80bn to UAH33.93bn, while total ...

ICUDailyInsight-20151218.pdf  (670.8kb)

17 грудня 2015 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Transportation and retail sectors in November

The recently published reports on transportation and retail trade have proven that economic activity in 4Q versus the previous quarter is recovering. Per the tables and charts below, over last three m ...

ICUDailyInsight-20151217.pdf  (691.2kb)

16 грудня 2015 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Liquidity hits new highs

Banking sector liquidity once more set a new record high, up UAH0.22bn to UAH95.17bn yesterday. Banks' correspondent accounts with the NBU increased UAH0.25bn to UAH32.23bn, but total CDs outstanding ...

ICUDailyInsight-20151216.pdf  (665.8kb)