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1 грудня 2016 Market Reviews
Фінансовий щоденник
Змінено графік аукціонів на грудень
Мінфін розширив пропозицію валютних ОВДП в грудні, замінивши пропозицію однієї 2-річної облігації 13 грудня, на пропозицію ОВДП з терміном обігу 17, 18 та 20 місяців, а також додавши пропозицію 22-міс ...
ICUDailyInsight-20161201-Ukr.pdf (520.5kb)
30 листопада 2016 Market Reviews
Daily Insight
Auctions schedule revised
The MoF extended the offering of FX-denominated bonds in its revised auction schedule, as published this Monday, replacing an offering of a 2-year FX-denominated bond with five new offerings, to be au ...
ICUDailyInsight-20161130.pdf (746.7kb)
30 листопада 2016 Market Reviews
Bond Market Insight
Another auction with no proceeds
As last week’s auction provided the MoF with paltry budget proceeds, yesterday’s auction could be deemed the fourth consecutive auction with little to no proceeds from the primary bond market. ...
ICUDebtInsight-20161130.pdf (321.1kb)
29 листопада 2016 Market Reviews
Daily Insight
Banking sector liquidity at UAH74bn
Last Friday, the budget received UAH8.28bn, the largest amount this month, including UAH7.98bn from taxes and customs. However, like last Thursday, this had no impact on liquidity, which rose only UAH ...
ICUDailyInsight-20161129.pdf (718.7kb)
29 листопада 2016 Market Reviews
Bond Market Insight
Спрос снова отсутствует
Поскольку на прошлой неделе спрос был незначительным, сегодняшний аукцион можно считать продолжением тенденции этого месяца без существенных привлечений средств в бюджет на первичных аукционах. Но есл ...
ICUDebtInsight-20161129-Rus.pdf (432.8kb)
28 листопада 2016 Market Reviews
Daily Insight
Banking sector liquidity remains steady
Despite the significant increase in tax collection last Thursday to UAH4.91bn, banking sector liquidity remained steady last Friday, down only UAH0.10bn to UAH74.03bn. There was a slight increase in t ...
ICUDailyInsight-20161128.pdf (714.1kb)
25 листопада 2016 Market Reviews
Daily Insight
Liquidity recovers slightly
After falling significantly over the last few days to this year’s low at UA71.90bn on Wednesday, liquidity rose a slight UAH2.22bn to UAH41.12bn yesterday. CDs outstanding continue to decline, down UA ...
ICUDailyInsight-20161125.pdf (710kb)
24 листопада 2016 Market Reviews
Daily Insight
Liquidity hits this year's low
Yesterday’s liquidity indicators showed an additional reallocation of funds from CDs to banks’ accounts as total CDs outstanding fell UAH1.98bn to this year’s low of UAH30.57bn. Meanwhile, banks’ corr ...
ICUDailyInsight-20161124.pdf (711.8kb)