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Огляди ринків

22 листопада 2016 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Tax payments pressure

Following the receipt of UAH5.14bn of revenues last Friday, including UAH4.05bn of tax revenues, banking sector liquidity fell UAH5.33bn to UAH70.31bn yesterday. Banks’ correspondent accounts with the ...

ICUDailyInsight-20161122.pdf  (756.3kb)

22 листопада 2016 Market Reviews

Bond Market Insight

Спрос минимален, доходности прежние

Несмотря на то, что НБУ снижает учётную ставку, покупатели ОВГЗ на первичном рынке не торопятся скупать облигации в ожидании дальнейшего снижения ставок, а продолжают балансировать на прежних уровнях, ...

ICUDebtInsight-20161122-Rus.pdf  (459.4kb)

21 листопада 2016 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Liquidity spent on taxes

Last Thursday, despite the high volume of taxes collected, the MoF was unable to immediately spend the funds on expenditures. After receiving UAH2.36-2.97bn of revenues per day at the beginning of th ...

ICUDailyInsight-20161121.pdf  (711.5kb)

18 листопада 2016 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Liquidity down slightly

Banking sector liquidity slid UAH0.33bn to UAH82.23bn yesterday, most likely due to a significant rollover of funds with the state budget. The MoF collected more than UAH2.5bn of revenues every day of ...

ICUDailyInsight-20161118.pdf  (753.2kb)

17 листопада 2016 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Liquidity reallocation

Banks’ correspondent accounts with the NBU rose once more yesterday, up UAH2.56bn to UAH44.69bn, the largest amount since mid-October 2016. At the same time, total CDs outstanding fell UAH2.59bn to UA ...

ICUDailyInsight-20161117.pdf  (707kb)

16 листопада 2016 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Liquidity begins to decline

Banking sector liquidity slid UAH0.39bn to UAH82.59bn yesterday, with an additional reallocation of funds from CDs to banks’ accounts. Banks’ correspondent accounts with the NBU rose UAH0.42bn to UAH4 ...

ICUDailyInsight-20161116.pdf  (712.7kb)

16 листопада 2016 Market Reviews

Bond Market Insight

Auction cancelled on no demand

For the third consecutive week, the MoF cancelled the weekly auction. While there was some demand at the previous two weekly auctions, yesterday's auction attracted no bids. While the market ...

ICUDebtInsight-20161116.pdf  (271.2kb)

15 листопада 2016 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Liquidity up slightly

Liquidity at the start of this week increased slightly, albeit less significantly than at the end of last week, up UAH0.51bn to UAH82.98bn yesterday, with a significant reallocation from CDs to bank ...

ICUDailyInsight-20161115.pdf  (752.5kb)