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Market Surveys

21 November 2014 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

UAH remains flat as external backdrop improves

Despite a rather disappointing PMI reading for the Eurozone yesterday, the Euro proved resilient to the negative news ...

ICUDailyInsight-20141121.pdf  (725.2kb)

20 November 2014 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Primary auction results

At yesterday’s primary auction, which was not originally scheduled, the MoF offered two bonds with 2-year and 5-year maturities, each of which received one bid for a total of UAH1.52bn, yielding UAH1. ...

ICUDailyInsight-20141120.pdf  (730.5kb)

19 November 2014 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

October sector data indicates a mild recovery

Last month’s statistical data on economic activity in the key sectors recorded several signs of increased output. The agricultural sector showed the best performance ...

ICUDailyInsight-20141119.pdf  (724.8kb)

18 November 2014 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

UAH steady as US dollar rises

NBU officials convened with the heads of the top 40 banks to discuss the ongoing situation at the FX market. They seek a mutual agreement to hold further series of FX auctions to sell small volumes of ...

ICUDailyInsight-20141118.pdf  (673.9kb)

17 November 2014 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Authorities evaluate new measures to tighten the FX market

The FX market remains largely driven by devaluation expectations as war with pro-Kremlin militants and the Russian army appears to be inevitable. Russian President Putin was coldly received by his cou ...

ICUDailyInsight-20141117.pdf  (673.2kb)

14 November 2014 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Hryvnia steady as focus is on politics

The following factors weighed on the hryvnia over the past day. First, yesterday the NBU exercised its promise to stem devaluation pressure on the currency. Second, aside from raising the key rate by ...

ICUDailyInsight-20141114.pdf  (671.2kb)

13 November 2014 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Unscheduled primary auction

The MoF held an unscheduled auction yesterday in which it offered the 2-year bond which was withdrawn from Tuesday’s auction. Paltry demand of UAH5.98m (par value) at the routine rate of 16.52% was ac ...

ICUDailyInsight-20141113.pdf  (781.3kb)

13 November 2014 Market Reviews

Bond Market Insight

Незначительные привлечения

Отменив предложение 2-летних облигаций во вторник, Минфин решил всё же предложить эту облигацию рынку, проведя аукцион в среду с оплатой в четверг. Однако вчерашний аукцион был достаточно специфически ...

ICUDebtInsight-20141113-Rus.pdf  (427.2kb)