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Market Surveys

4 August 2015 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Oschadbank’s bondholders approve restructuring

As we anticipated, Oschadbank's bondholders approved the proposed restructuring of the bank's outstanding 2016 US$700m and 2018 US$500m loans. For the OSCHAD 2016 US$700m loan, the interest rate will ...

ICUDailyInsight-20150804.pdf  (734.6kb)

4 August 2015 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Oschadbank’s bondholders approve restructuring

As we anticipated, Oschadbank's bondholders approved the proposed restructuring of the bank's outstanding 2016 US$700m and 2018 US$500m loans. For the OSCHAD 2016 US$700m loan, the interest rate will ...

ICUDailyInsight-20150804.pdf  (734.6kb)

3 August 2015 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Privatbank seeks extension of 2015 Eurobond

For its US$200 Eurobonds maturing on 23 September 2015, Privatbank is requesting an extension to 1 December 2015. Although bondholders passed a resolution for a three-year extension of another bond, ...

ICUDailyInsight-20150803.pdf  (671.3kb)

31 July 2015 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Liquidity under tax pressure

Month-end tax payments caused liquidity to decline significantly yesterday. Banks’ correspondent accounts with the NBU fell UAH1.22bn to UAH20.54bn even though total CDs outstanding declined UAH1.85bn ...

ICUDailyInsight-20150731.pdf  (714.7kb)

30 July 2015 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Liquidity declines slightly

Banking sector liquidity declined UAH0.58bn yesterday to UAH78.38bn, after receiving a portion of funds from the NBU via bond purchases. Banks’ correspondent accounts fell UAH1.59bn to UAH21.75bn whil ...

ICUDailyInsight-20150730.pdf  (756.3kb)

29 July 2015 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

MoF’s financing plans

The MoF announced that it received US$4.7bn of external financing for 7M15 and repaid US$4.2bn of FX-denominated debt. In its presentation to the Ministry Board, the MoF also stated that it anticipate ...

ICUDailyInsight-20150729.pdf  (772.3kb)

28 July 2015 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Discussions regarding new VAT-bonds

The head of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine announced that steps are being taken to improve the VAT reimbursement process, particularly in regard to utilizing financial instruments for debt repaym ...

ICUDailyInsight-20150728.pdf  (779.3kb)

27 July 2015 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Liquidity reallocation

Broader banking sector liquidity rose UAH0.84bn to UAH77.75bn as total CDs outstanding fell UAH1.22bn to UAH47.58bn and banks’ correspondent accounts with the NBU increased UAH2.06bn to UAH24.25bn las ...

ICUDailyInsight-20150727.pdf  (726.5kb)