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Market Surveys

12 September 2016 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Primary auction announcement

Last Friday, the MoF announced it will offer 5.5-month, 9-month and 12-month zero-coupon bonds, and coupon-bearing 5-year bonds at tomorrow's auction. The 5.5-month and 5-year bonds will be re-offerin ...

ICUDailyInsight-20160912.pdf  (713.1kb)

9 September 2016 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Liquidity reallocates to CDs

Total CDs outstanding significantly rose yesterday, up UAH3.38bn to UAH41.358bn, the largest amount since 23 August 2016. At the same time, banks’ correspondent accounts with the NBU fell UAH4.80bn to ...

ICUDailyInsight-20160909.pdf  (751.9kb)

8 September 2016 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Liquidity steady

Despite the NBU's absorption of UAH1.09bn of local currency funds via the FX auction, banking sector liquidity slid a mere UAH0.10bn to UAH76.32bn yesterday. Banks’ correspondent accounts with the NBU ...

ICUDailyInsight-20160908.pdf  (749.3kb)

7 September 2016 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Liquidity fell to UAH76bn

Banking sector liquidity fell UAH1.19bn to UAH76.42bn yesterday, mostly due to the NBU absorption of UAH0.80bn in the FX auction. Banks’ correspondent accounts with the NBU fell UAH1.98bn to UAH38.41b ...

ICUDailyInsight-20160907.pdf  (733.4kb)

7 September 2016 Market Reviews

Bond Market Insight

Lack of demand

As banking sector liquidity has declined since mid-August, after a slight recovery at the beginning of September, it has begun to decline again. The main reasons in August were tax payments, the lack ...

ICUDebtInsight-20160907.pdf  (320.5kb)

6 September 2016 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Liquidity down

Banking sector liquidity once more declined yesterday, down UAH1.61bn to UAH77.60bn, mostly due to the FX auction last Friday. Banks’ correspondent accounts with the NBU fell UAH2.58b to UAH40.39bn wh ...

ICUDailyInsight-20160906.pdf  (712.2kb)

6 September 2016 Market Reviews

Bond Market Insight

Спрос отсутствует

Падение ликвидности в банковской системе, которое началось ещё в середине августа, возобновилось после незначительно восстановления в начале сентября. И если в августе причинами были налоговые платежи ...

ICUDebtInsight-20160906-Rus.pdf  (435.9kb)

5 September 2016 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

NBU absorbs some liquidity

Banking sector liquidity slid UAH0.67bn to UAH79.22bn last Friday, most likely due to the FX auction on Thursday at which the NBU sold US$30m of FX. At the same time, banks’ correspondent accounts wit ...

ICUDailyInsight-20160905.pdf  (720.2kb)