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Market Surveys

3 July 2019 Market Reviews

Bond Market Insight

Hryvnia borrowings increase

In July’s first auction, demand for local-currency bills exceeded UAH10bn, and the amount of borrowings exceeded UAH8bn. These amounts were greater than at any auction during the previous two months. ...

ICUDebtInsight-20190703-Eng.pdf  (272.8kb)

26 June 2019 Market Reviews

Аналітика по облігаціях

Попит тисне на ставки

Учора очікувано попит знову зосередився на 6-річних облігаціях, що дозволило залучити до бюджету 7.5 млрд грн, у т.ч. від гривневих – 6.7 млрд грн, де, швидше за все, левову частку ОВДП придбали нерез ...

ICUDebtInsight-20190626-Ukr.pdf  (354.5kb)

26 June 2019 Market Reviews

Bond Market Insight

Demand influences rates

Yesterday, as expected, demand was concentrated in the six-year notes, allowing the MoF to finance the budget with about UAH7.5bn, including UAH6.7bn from local-currency instruments. Most likely, much ...

ICUDebtInsight-20190626-Eng.pdf  (277.7kb)

25 June 2019 Market Reviews

Weekly Insight

Real GDP rises 2.5% YoY in 1Q19

The State Statistics Service of Ukraine revised upward its estimate of real GDP growth to 2.5% YoY, up from its previous estimate of 2.2% YoY growth. In SA QoQ terms, the economy grew 0.3%. ...

ICUWeeklyInsight-20190625-Eng.pdf  (381.5kb)

25 June 2019 Market Reviews

Фінансовий тижневик

Реальний ВВП виріс на 2.5% р/р у 1кв19

Держстат покращив оцінку росту економіки в1кв19 до 2.5% р/р з 2.2% за попередньою оцінкою. Порівняно із 4кв18 реальний ВВП виріс на 0.3% (с/с дані). ...

ICUWeeklyInsight-20190625-Ukr.pdf  (465.1kb)

25 June 2019 Market Reviews

Weekly Insight

Real GDP rises 2.5% YoY in 1Q19

The State Statistics Service of Ukraine revised upward its estimate of real GDP growth to 2.5% YoY, up from its previous estimate of 2.2% YoY growth. In SA QoQ terms, the economy grew 0.3%. ...

ICUWeeklyInsight-20190625-Eng.pdf  (381.5kb)

25 June 2019 Market Reviews

Weekly Insight

Real GDP rises 2.5% YoY in 1Q19

The State Statistics Service of Ukraine revised upward its estimate of real GDP growth to 2.5% YoY, up from its previous estimate of 2.2% YoY growth. In SA QoQ terms, the economy grew 0.3%. ...

ICUWeeklyInsight-20190625-Eng.pdf  (381.5kb)

25 June 2019 Market Reviews

Weekly Insight

Real GDP rises 2.5% YoY in 1Q19

The State Statistics Service of Ukraine revised upward its estimate of real GDP growth to 2.5% YoY, up from its previous estimate of 2.2% YoY growth. In SA QoQ terms, the economy grew 0.3%. ...

ICUWeeklyInsight-20190625-Eng.pdf  (381.5kb)