Depository Services

The Depository Institution LLC "INVESTMENT CAPITAL UKRAINE" (hereinafter referred to as the Depository Institution) carries out professional depository activities under the license issued by the National Securities and Stock Market Commission, series AE № 286555, dated October 8, 2013.
LLC "INVESTMENT CAPITAL UKRAINE," as a depository institution, successfully cooperates with the Depositories: PJSC "National Depository of Ukraine" (for the custody of corporate securities) and the National Bank of Ukraine (for the custody of government and municipal securities). It is also a member of the Professional Association of Capital Market and Derivatives Participants (PARD).
Our clients may be legal entities or individuals, residents or non-residents. To become a client, it is necessary to conclude a Securities Account Service Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) with the Depository Institution. After the Agreement is signed, the Depository Institution opens a securities account, and the client gains the status of a Depositor.
Depository Services:
- opening and servicing securities accounts;
- accounting of rights to securities in securities accounts;
- depository servicing of securities transactions (government bonds, municipal, corporate), including: crediting, debiting, transferring, blocking, unblocking;
- informational services for depositors (providing account statements, information about issuers, certificates, etc.);
- receiving income on securities (dividends, interest, redemption amounts) with subsequent transfer to depositors' cash accounts;
- providing other services related to depository activities as per the current legislation of Ukraine.
The Depository Institution conducts its activities in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine and regulatory documents approved by the National Securities and Stock Market Commission, the main ones being:
Law of Ukraine "On the Depository System of Ukraine" N 5178-VI dated 06.07.2012.
Law of Ukraine "On Capital Markets and Organized Commodity Markets" № 3480-IV dated 23.02.2006.
Decision № 735 from 23.04.2013 "On Approval of the Regulation on Conducting Depository Activities".
Experience, professionalism and attention of specialists, efficiency of operations, modern computers and software, individual approach and favorable tariffs —at your service!