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Market Surveys

21 April 2016 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Liquidity continues to recover

Banking sector liquidity recovered for the third consecutive day yesterday, up UAH0.75bn to UAH102.95bn, as banks' correspondent accounts with the NBU increased UAH2.08bn to UAH43.27bn and total CDs o ...

ICUDailyInsight-20160421.pdf  (687.9kb)

21 April 2016 Market Reviews

Bond Market Insight

Unusual auction

Yesterday's surprise primary auction provided the MoF with a mere UAH300m of par value each for each of the two maturities, providing a total of UAH564.89m. The MoF received and accepted only one bid ...

ICUDebtInsight-20160421.pdf  (292.5kb)

20 April 2016 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Liquidity up slightly

Banking sector liquidity rose for the second consecutive day yesterday, up UAH0.70bn to UAH102.15bn, as banks' correspondent accounts with the NBU increased UAH0.27bn to UAH41.19bn and total CDs outst ...

ICUDailyInsight-20160420.pdf  (685.8kb)

20 April 2016 Market Reviews

Bond Market Insight

Borrowings increase

The MoF's scheduled offering 2-year and 3-year bonds each second week resulted in increased demand for 2-year bonds. Yesterday, the MoF sold UAH706.27m of 2-year bonds as opposed to UAH180.60m of 3-ye ...

ICUDebtInsight-20160420.pdf  (293.1kb)

20 April 2016 Market Reviews

Bond Market Insight

Необычный аукцион

Сегодняшний аукцион, не предусмотренный изначально графиком на второй квартал, принёс Минфину относительно небольшие поступления от размещения краткосрочных ОВГЗ. Обе предложенные облигации были разме ...

ICUDebtInsight-20160420-Rus.pdf  (459.9kb)

19 April 2016 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Liquidity reallocation

Following last Friday’s cash flows, banking sector liquidity rose UAH1.17bn to UAH101.45bn with a significant reallocation between indicators. Banks’ correspondent accounts with the NBU increased UAH4 ...

ICUDailyInsight-20160419.pdf  (767.3kb)

19 April 2016 Market Reviews

Bond Market Insight

Привлечения увеличились

Чередование 2-летних и 3-летних облигаций на аукционах похоже даёт свои результаты, и сегодня Минфин разместил 706.27 млн гривень новых 2-летних облигаций в отличие от 180.60 млн гривень 3-летних ОВГЗ ...

ICUDebtInsight-20160419-Rus.pdf  (461.9kb)

18 April 2016 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Liquidity down due to loan repayment

Oschadny bank repaid UAH2.00bn of NBU loans, causing liquidity to decline last Friday. Banking sector liquidity declined UAH1.35bn to UAH100bn as banks' correspondent accounts with the NBU declined UA ...

ICUDailyInsight-20160418.pdf  (679.7kb)