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Market Surveys

13 May 2016 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Liquidity steady

As it began to recover at the beginning of this business week, liquidity was steady, up a slight increase of UAH0.09bn to UAH101.49bn yesterday, with a significant reallocation of funds. Banking secto ...

ICUDailyInsight-20160513.pdf  (686.4kb)

12 May 2016 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Liquidity reallocated to banks’ accounts

After declining on Tuesday, banking sector liquidity recovered UAH1.09bn to UAH101.40bn yesterday, most likely in preparation for the beginning of month-end tax payments. Funds were reallocated from C ...

ICUDailyInsight-20160512.pdf  (730kb)

11 May 2016 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Interest rates decline

After the decline which began two weeks ago following the NBU decrease of its key interest rate, primary bond market rates continued to decline yesterday. The cut-off rate for the 2-year bond was cut ...

ICUDailyInsight-20160511.pdf  (776.1kb)

11 May 2016 Market Reviews

Bond Market Insight

Yield curve shifts downward

Compared with proceeds from the last few auctions at the end of April, May's debut auction resulted in insufficient proceeds as the MoF attracted only UAH0.71bn of funds versus UAH5.79bn raised two we ...

ICUDebtInsight-20160511.pdf  (293kb)

10 May 2016 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

No quorum at Privat's shareholders' meeting

The shareholders of Ukraine’s largest bank, Privatbank, failed to reach quorum at the annual shareholders' meeting scheduled on April 29. According to the meeting's agenda, shareholders were supposed ...

ICUDailyInsight-20160510.pdf  (680.1kb)

10 May 2016 Market Reviews

Bond Market Insight

Кривая смещается вниз

Дебютный аукцион в мае завершился с относительно небольшим объёмом привлечений, если сравнивать с предпраздничными размещениями, и Минфин привлёк всего 0.71 млрд гривень по сравнению с 5.79 млрд гриве ...

ICUDebtInsight-20160510-Rus.pdf  (461.4kb)

29 April 2016 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Restructuring near the end

According to the recent Cabinet of Ministers resolutions, Ukraine is near the end of restructuring transactions and completing the sovereign debt restructuring announced more than a year ago. The MoF ...

ICUDailyInsight-20160429.pdf  (778.4kb)

28 April 2016 Market Reviews

Daily Insight

Liquidity down

Despite the NBU’s injections via the FX market, liquidity declined due to month-end tax payments and should continue to fall as they continue. Liquidity could continue to fall significantly due to rec ...

ICUDailyInsight-20160428.pdf  (788.7kb)