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14 January 2014 Bonds

Bond Market Insight

Weekly review: 2014 opens quietly

With no state budget approved by Parliament, and as the MoF significantly increased borrowings at the end of 2013 and will hold its first primary auction in 2014 today, this year has opened quietly wi...

ICUDebtInsight-20140114.pdf  (1.3mb)

14 January 2014 Bonds

Bond Market Insight

Результаты аукциона по продаже ОВГЗ: Минфин не готов платить больше

Дебютный аукцион 2014 года можно отчасти назвать рыночным, поскольку под влиянием высокого уровня ликвидности в банковской системе инвесторы решили бросить быстрый взгляд на первичный рынок ОВГЗ, и пр...

ICUDebtInsight-20140114-Rus.pdf  (448.6kb)

8 January 2014 Bonds

Banking Sector Insight

Riding choppy waters

The Ukrainian corporate sector has yet to figure out from where it will receive funding in the future. Meanwhile, Ukrainian banks are not only reluctant but unable to provide large-scale loans to the ...

ICUDebtInsight-20140108.pdf  (2.9mb)